Health and Wellness

Acupuncture with Cactuars
4.5 stars
Though these prickly pals seem ill fit as masseurs (what with their lack of thumbs), you’d be amazed at their delicate touch. While they used to offer full-body massages, everyone on the continent appreciates their shift to acupuncture. It suits them.
2000 Gil / Per Person

Island Elixirs
5.0 stars
Whether you need a little boost for the journey ahead or you tackled a dungeon that may have been a tad too difficult, Tural has no shortage of invigorating, relaxing, and delicious libations for you to enjoy. From the Urqopacha Matcha to the Kozama'uka Kombucha and The Fabled Golden Latte, there’s a little something for everyone.
400 Gil / Per Person

Meditate with Moblins
5.0 stars
Work stressing you out? Life got you a little down? A big fish escaped your line one too many times and you need a break? Then it’s time to let your worries melt away with one of our experienced Moblin meditation maestros.
800 Gil / Per Person
Turali to Meet
Mamool Ja
Hailing from the lower forests of Yak T’el, the Mamool Ja can be found offering their services to travelers in Tuliyollal, peddling their wares in the bustling bazaar, and saving overzealous tourists who have gotten lost.
These fierce warriors can often be found sunning themselves after a long day of hunting. Like most people, they do not enjoy random tummy rubs no matter how much it seems like they want one, so we recommend respecting their space.
Calling Urqopacha home, these entrepreneurs travel the continent on alpaca-back and are renowned producers of tea, coffee, and mezcal. The Pelupelu are known for their bird-like masks and short stature, so there’s no need to comment on their height; they already know.
Not to be confused with Goblins (with which they share a common ancestry), these merchants from Kozama’uka procure materials from the earth and are key players in Tural’s local economy. If you're looking for beautiful metalworks, seek assistance from your local Moblin.

Mamool Ja
Hailing from the lower forests of Yak T’el, the Mamool Ja can be found offering their services to travelers in Tuliyollal, peddling their wares in the bustling bazaar, and saving overzealous tourists who have gotten lost.

These fierce warriors can often be found sunning themselves after a long day of hunting. Like most people, they do not enjoy random tummy rubs no matter how much it seems like they want one, so we recommend respecting their space.

Calling Urqopacha home, these entrepreneurs travel the continent on alpaca-back and are renowned producers of tea, coffee, and mezcal. The Pelupelu are known for their bird-like masks and short stature, so there’s no need to comment on their height; they already know.

Not to be confused with Goblins (with which they share a common ancestry), these merchants from Kozama’uka procure materials from the earth and are key players in Tural’s local economy. If you're looking for beautiful metalworks, seek assistance from your local Moblin.
Turali Recipes
Want to bring the taste of Tural home? Now you can! While there’s nothing quite like stepping onto the docks of Tuliyollal for your first time and taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the vibrant city, these recipes will give you a chance to show your friends and family what’s in store for their future trips.