Deputy Directors Blog

Well that was weird
Fourth Astral Moon - 10th Sun
Greetings! I’m sure many of you noticed that things were a little off on the Tour Tural website recently. Ty’at Gem says it was likely due to some overly curious adventurers who bypassed our security system and accidentally unlocked… well, she says I’m not supposed to talk about it. On a happier note, I’m pleased to announce that Gir Ja’s lost map has been found! Not that it was ever TRULY missing or anything since I always knew where it was, and it was definitely NOT eaten by a Nutkin (wherever did you get that idea?).

The first piece was found in our TRAVEL ADVISORY system after it had perforated the borders of our reality and entered the Internet. Ty’at Gem is looking into that as well. Strange!

The second was hiding between some of our delightful postcards.

The third was accidentally printed on a mug. Gir Ja discovered it while looking for a cup for his Viper’s Tea.

The fourth was returned by a helpful adventurer who found it in one of our dirigibles.

The fifth was found in a pile of my things I was packing for a day’s adventure. Whoops!

The sixth was found in the mail room under Ty’at Gem’s very nose!

Painting with a Pictomancer
7th Umbral Moon - 22nd Sun
Greetings! Today has been an absolute treat as I was reunited with an old friend, Onini, a very talented Lalafell Pictomancer. Not only does Onini practice their art in the Bazaar, enthralling visitors with their lively creations, but they also still teach the very painting class I attended as a child. What a surprise it was to see that they’ve kept many of the pieces their students have made, including my own! Looking at this piece brings me right back to my childhood when I was telling my father all of my goals as the future Deputy Director of Turalism.

Hunting with Mamool Ja
Fourth Astral Moon - 3rd Sun
Greetings! As the Interim Deputy Director of Turalism, it is imperative to participate in the daily activities of the Turali, so it was my honor when a group of Mamool Ja agreed to allow me to tag along for their daily hunt (it took some convincing, but they must have realized the value in a fresh perspective). While I admit I’m not terribly useful with a blade, the party said that would be fine as I would spend the majority of the hunt leading us into the jungle, often several meters ahead of everyone else. They provided me with a tool that acted as some sort of animal call, apparently mimicking the mating cry of a large female lizard. It must have been a very funny sound as I could hear several party members snickering in the jungle behind me. While the hunt wasn’t necessarily a success, I believe it was still an excellent learning experience and I hear we’ll try again tomorrow. Wish us luck!

Immersing Myself in the Community
Fourth Astral Moon - 2nd Sun
Greetings! While no stranger to Tural and its people, I wanted to reintroduce myself as the Interim Deputy Director of Turalism, which came as a surprise to many Turali (some of whom offered a friendly wager to determine how long I’d maintain my position– what fun!). The day became quite the highlight when I had the immense pleasure of chatting with an old adventurer friend who had recently picked up the art of wielding two blades. While I did everything I could to keep things professional, I couldn’t help but show my admiration for someone so skilled with multiple armaments! They were quite generous with their time and even gave me a quick lesson in blade management, allowing me the opportunity to show off the blade-dancing skills I had practiced in my youth. On a related note, I must commend the hospital staff in Tullyolal for their incredible work; these are quite certainly the most talented white mages you’ll ever find.

Mail Room Mystery
Third Umbral Moon - 21st Sun
Greetings! As busy as the Board of Turalism is, we are not the only department working on Tural. The entire continent is wonderfully self-sufficient, with its own imports and exports, fashion, agriculture, and courier services. The latter of which I got to visit as Ty'at Gem in finance needed to go put out some fires. Not literal ones, of course, though she had a few of those the other day due to a magic trick gone wrong (I was keen on showing her my famous “combustible stapler” trick but forgot a few of the safety requirements–whoops!). While I was amazed to see how efficiently the mail department runs under her guidance, I was mainly there because Ty'at Gem heard rumors that someone had spotted what appeared to be Gir Ja’s lost map. While I wasn’t able to find it myself, Ty'at Gem promised she’d keep a keen eye open in case it turned up. Gir Ja keeps asking about it, and I’m not sure he believes me that a Nutkin ate it, but if he asks you about it, that’s the story.

A Tour of the Board of Turalism
Third Umbral Moon - 29th Sun
Greetings! It’s been the most exciting day as I’ve gotten to know the other members of the Board of Turalism – all two of them! It turns out we all wear many hats here, but we like to consider ourselves quite the efficient ship! For instance, did you know that Ty'at Gem in Finance manages all dirigible tours, runs our mail room, and manages the Board of Turalism website? (Also, hi, Ty'at Gem!) Finally, there’s Gir Ja, a very talented Mamool Ja who acts as our expert on the ground, drawing and updating maps to note any new discoveries and dangers for travelers, acting as an arbiter between the different peoples of Tural, and ventures into the jungle to locate any lost travelers or previous Board of Turalism staff members. He even recognized me from when he saved me as a child after I wandered too far from home and was missing for three full days. I survived by eating nothing but Nutkin treats and drinking contaminated water from a ceruleum pool. If Gir Ja hadn’t been out mapping the continent, who knows what would’ve happened! Such a full-circle moment to think that only a few decades later I’d lose that very map. Time certainly does fly by in paradise!

My New job!
Third Umbral Moon - 26th Sun
Greetings! Your new Interim Deputy Director here with my first official blog post! I’m absolutely giddy to be joining the Board of Turalism as their new Interim Deputy Director. It’s been my dream job since childhood. I remember telling my father “Daddy, someday I want to be the Deputy Director of Turalism,” to which he sighed the sigh of a father overcome with pride, or so that’s how my mother explained it later. Fathers are funny like that. Anyway, enough with looking into the past; the future is calling! Lots to do as the previous Deputy Director left plenty of unfinished work (and most of their belongings as well, strangely enough) and everyone here has been busy looking for a misplaced Tour Map that Gir Ja has been tirelessly working on while out in the jungles. It’s been his life’s work, and no one has the heart to tell him that we don’t know where it is, so if he mentions anything, please just change the subject. Until then, bon voyage!
Job Postings
Deputy Director of Turalism
- Full time
- 60k - 70k gil a year
White Mage Insurance™ Included
Job Description
Are you a motivated self-starter who gets out of bed every day feeling like they’re ready to take on the world? Are you a natural problem solver who sees every hiccup, whoopsie, “uh-oh,” “oh no,” and “what have we done??” as an opportunity? Do you laugh in the face of danger and have the face, affect, and clean record that a jury would trust? Then you may be exactly who the Board of Turalism is looking for! As we’ve found ourselves short on authority figures, we are looking for a permanent Deputy Director of Turalism who isn’t afraid to clean up a mess or two or maybe three. Must have good references who are all still accounted for.
Elixir Mixer
- Full time
- 60k - 70k gil a year
White Mage Insurance™ Included
Job Description
Are you an Alchemist looking for your next big gig? Then we’ve found the perfect position for you! After a few mishaps when combining certain materials that should not be combined, our famed Elixir Shop in Tuliyollal is looking for a new mixologist. Must provide proof that you’ve never accidentally blown anything up.
Viper Blade Sharpener
- Full time
- 60k - 70k gil a year
White Mage Insurance™ Included
Job Description
Do you like blades? Do you often find yourself cutting into a tomato and thinking “Could this be sharper??” Are your friends often saying things like “Wow, you really like blades, huh?” Well, come on down to Boguljub’s Blades where we’re looking for an experienced Blade Sharpener. Applicants must still have all of their fingers and toes.
Assistant Turalist Wrangler
- Full time
- No Pay
White Mage Insurance™ Included
Job Description
This is Gir Ja. I’m looking for someone with survival skills, has a passion for tracking down lost adventurers, and doesn’t talk much. Little pay, but lots of honor.