Tour Tural: Inside The Board

What We Do

We at the Board of Turalism are dedicated to ensuring a once-in-a-lifetime* experience for travelers far and wide. Whether you consider yourself an adventurer, food lover, crafter, gatherer, or just need to get away for a little while and lay low due to a bounty, it is our immense pleasure to serve each and every visitor who sets foot, claw, paw, or other appendages of choice on our beautiful continent.

As our department serves both native Turali and expats from the East, we pride ourselves in our unique perspective both as visitors to this beautiful land and those who call it home. We’ve made it a priority to seek out the best Tural has to offer, from food and accommodations to thrills and adventure. Want to take a dip in the ocean? We’ve scouted the most breathtaking views you’re ever to see. Interested in chartering a dirigible ride over the jungle? We know just who to talk to! Have you accidentally awoken some ancient beast from its slumber and ushered in a new era of terror as it wreaks havoc on any hapless soul who’s unfortunate enough to find themselves in its path of destruction? We’ll contact your loved ones to start getting your affairs in order.

Upon your return**, we guarantee you’ll feel rested, satisfied, invigorated, unmaimed***, and eager to book your next trip. When that day comes, the Board of Turalism will be here to guide you on each step of your journey.

• Interim Deputy Director of Turalism

* All visitors must acknowledge that death can technically be considered a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

** Return not guaranteed

*** The Board of Turalism waives any and all legal, moral, existential, and financial responsibility in the event of loss of limb, wing, leg, torso, tail, head, or sanity.


Map of Tural

10,000,000 Gil Sold Out


“Nuts For Nutkins” Mug

1674 Gil Sold Out


“I’m not a Tourist, I’m a Turalist!” Sweatshirt

1200 Gil Sold Out


“There is no Solution 9” Backpack

1590 Gil Sold Out


Most Popular

Drawn By A Pictomancer

1113 Gil Sold Out


Most Popular

“I <3 Tural” Tee

1024 Gil Sold Out


Assorted Turaltastic Pins

1913 Gil Sold Out


“Keep Tural Weird” Tote

1734 Gil Sold Out


“Some come for adventure. I’m here for tacos” Hat

1410 Gil Sold Out


* Due to the sudden increase in popularity regarding Tural, Ty'at Gem in the mailroom has become wildly busy and deeply apologizes for the backlog in merch orders. I would know because I am Ty'at Gem and I also run the website. Hi! Nice to meet you, person reading this! Anyway, I’m pleasantly overwhelmed with Tural’s popularity as a tourist destination and hope to get back up to speed ASAP. Thanks!


I just arrived in Tuliyollal; where should I start?

We recommend the Bazaar to enjoy all the culinary and cultural surprises Tural has to offer.

Do you have any favorite foods to recommend?

The short answer is “tacos.” The long answer is “big fat tacos.”

I saw a guy wielding two blades doing flips and stuff, can I be that cool someday?

That’s a Viper and you’re certainly welcome to try, maybe wait until you’re at least level 95 before you attempt flips, though.

A small mammal stole my “It’s all I can Taco ‘bout” shirt at the Bazaar, how do I get it back?

The shirt belongs to the Nutkin now, we do not recommend trying to get it back.

I’ve been approached by a candidate who offers to split any riches found in a fabled city of gold, what should I do?

Please ignore them. Please. If not for your sake, then for the sake of the overworked Mamool Ja we have to send to find you after you get lost. His name is Gir Ja and he’s exhausted. Please, think of poor Gir Ja.

Advice From Locals

Tural Icon

“Two blades are better than one.”


Adventure Awaits

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