Tour Tural: Destination Discovery

Things to do

Painting with a Pictomancer photo

Bring your paintings to life with a Pictomancer

4.0 stars

Tural has no shortage of memorable characters, and there are none quite as fascinating as those who call themselves Pictomancers. With aether as their medium and the world as their canvas, they literally render their imaginations into reality. If you’re lucky enough to see one practicing their art, we recommend you simply stand back and enjoy the show.

1250 Gil / Per Person


Picture of a swordfight in training
Newest Thrill

Learn the ways of the blade with a Viper

4.5 stars

Who’s that stylish rogue hacking and slashing their way through the jungles? Why, none other than a dual blade-wielding Viper! These adventurers have a sense of flourish that could make even the most exotic bird blush with envy. Just try not to get in the way, those dual blades can be mighty sharp (unless you’re eager for an unexpected haircut, of course).

2430 Gil / Per Person


Picture of a dungeon

Bond with friends while tackling a dungeon

4.25 stars

Friends who raid together stay together. Why not experience the beautifully dangerous dungeons of Tural with a party of like-minded adventurers?

FREE / Per Person


Picture of a jungle attack

Venture through the jungle with an experienced Mamool Ja guide

4.25 stars

Our very own Gir Ja has been guiding adventurers through the jungles of Tural ever since he was asked to find our first Deputy Director of Turalism after they got a little sidetracked in sidequests. He’s not much of a talker, but underneath that scaly armor, he’s a big mush with a heart of gold, even if he won’t admit it.

1600 Gil / Per Person


Take a dirigible tour photo
You found a piece of a map!

Take in the breathtaking sights on a dirigible tour

4.25 stars

Tural is famous for many things, but the beauty and grandeur of its balloon tours cannot be overstated. It’s simply the best way to experience the variety that Tural has to offer. From the lush jungles and winding rivers of Kozama'uka to the mountains of Urqopacha, there’s no shortage of breathtaking views. Keep your hands, claws, paws, and tails inside the dirigible at all times, please!

2500 Gil / Per Person


Picture of a crafting exercise

Hone your crafting and gathering skills to receive a Master title

4.0 stars

Looking for a more relaxed atmosphere, away from all the hustle and bustle of adventure? Then look no further, Tural has it all! With the recent discovery of ceruleum deposits and other valuable materials, Tural is the perfect place to practice your crafting and gathering skills. An opportune chance to make a name for yourself.

FREE / Per Person


Tour the bazaar photo
Newest Thrill

Enjoy an indulgent food tour through the Bazaar

4.0 stars

The Bazaar in Tuliyollal is a food-lover’s dream come true. Tacos, kebabs, maté tea, coffee, mezcal, the list goes on. We don’t recommend trying everything in a single day unless you want to be in a food-induced coma for the rest of your trip.

FREE! / Per Person


Picture of an alpaca

Relax and unwind with some friendly alpacas

4.75 stars

They’re so fluffy, what else do you want us to say??

500 Gil / Per Person


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background image
You found a map piece!
a picture of kabobs




Places To See

See Tuliyollal photo


Tuliyollal stands on the border between Yok Tural in the south and Xak Tural in the north. The moment you step off the airship, boat, dirigible, or other transportation of your choice, you’ll be in the heart of everything Tural has to offer in this bustling, majestic city.

See Urqopacha photo


This mountainous region of Yok Tural was the proud heart of the Giant’s Empire long ago.

See Yak T'el photo

Yak T'el

Home to the primary settlements of the Xbr’aal and Mamool Ja, Yak T’el is a lush region of Yok Tural which boasts stunning cenotes harboring cerulean ponds and springs.

See Kozama'uka photo


This tropical region south of Tuliyollal is best known for its breathtaking waterfalls which under no circumstances should be leapt off of, no matter who offers you a cliff diving tour. We cannot stress how difficult it is to recover your body from such a height.

See Shaaloani photo


Had your fill of waterfalls? Humidity making you feel sticky? Then Shaaloani is just what you need. Break out the sunscreen and bask in the warm desert breeze, then kick back in one of the local saloons to cool off and wind down.

Solution 9 password protected photo

Solution 9

Advice From Locals

You found a note! It says: Note to self: Is my heart racing from caffeine or finally procuring my dream? Pelu Pelu Tea is stronger than expected.

Tural Icon

“The most dangerous job in Tural has to be Gir Ja’s. The second most dangerous is Interim Deputy Director of Turalism.”


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